Alpen Select Lodge
Walserstraße 21
A-6991 Riezlern in the Kleinwalsertal
Tel.:+43 (0) 699 161 622 77
The Alpen Select Lodge is responsible for the design of its website. The layout and design of this website, including any information contained therein, is protected by copyright law. This is also to be observed in the event that third-party material is used or replicated on this website for informational purposes. Registered and non-registered trademarks of this website or third parties may not be used in advertising material or any other publications associated with the distribution of information without prior written consent. All information is subject to change. Liability for damages which arise as a result of using the published content is excluded.
Liability disclaimer
1. Content of the online offer
The Alpen Select Lodge accepts no liability for the validity, correctness, completeness or quality of information provided. Liability claims made against the Alpen Select Lodges, which relate to loss of goodwill or material damage caused by the usage or non-usage of the featured information, or through the use of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded, unless it can be demonstrated that the Alpen Select Lodge acted wilfully or was grossly negligent. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The Alpen Select Lodge expressly reserves the right to change part or its entire site without separate notice, or to amend, delete or cease publication temporarily or permanently.
2. References and links
In the event of direct or indirect references to external websites ("hyperlinks"), which are outside the area of responsibility of the Alpen Select Lodge, an obligation of liability would come into effect exclusively in the event that the Alpen Select Lodge had knowledge of the contents and that it would be technically possible and reasonable to prevent usage in the event of illegal contents. The Alpen Select Lodge hereby expressly declares that it had no knowledge of any illegal content at the time of creating the link. The Alpen Select Lodge has no influence over the current and future design, content or copyright of the linked pages. The Alpen Select Lodge hereby expressly distances itself from the content of all linked pages that have been amended after creation of the link. This statement is valid for all links and references within the website as well as for links and references from third parties in the Alpen Select Lodge guestbooks, discussion forums and mailing lists. No illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents, and any damage or loss resulting from the use of such information, is the responsibility of the provider of the site to which a link has been made and not the person who merely made the link to the publication in question.
3. Data protection
If there is an opportunity to input personal or business data (email addresses, names, addresses, etc.), the input of these data follows on a voluntary basis of the user. Third parties are not permitted to send unsolicited information through the use of contact details such as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers or email addresses published in the legal notice or the like. We reserve the right to take legal measures against those senders of so-called spam mails that violate this regulation. More informations about the privacy >
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This disclaimer is considered part of the website's content and as such refers to the material provided on this website. Should parts or individual clauses of this text not, no longer or not fully comply with the current law, all other sections of the document shall remain unaffected as regards their content and validity.